
Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Plant Spirit Medicine, Part 5: Moving Past Doubt and Into Magic

We wrap up the plant spirit medicine blog series by addressing a common pitfall of any type of visionary work: self-doubt. We will answer some questions that often come up in this practice: What do plant spirits actually look like? And, how do we know if our experiences are real?

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Plant Spirit Medicine, Part 4: Intention and Ritual

In Part 4 of a series on plant spirit medicine, we explore the roles of intention and ritual in our work with plants. We also look at how plant spirit medicine can be practiced as a healing modality for ourselves and others, ultimately leading to collective and planetary healing.

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Plant Spirit Medicine, Part 3: Shamanic Journeying and Meditation

In Part 3 of a series on plant spirit medicine, we explore specific meditation practices for connecting and communicating with plant allies. From shamanic journeys to spirit dose meditations, we dive into the how-to’s of different tried-and-true meditation methods.

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Plant Spirit Medicine, Part 2: Cultivating Relationships with Plants

In Part 2 of a series on plant spirit medicine, we explore the importance of cultivating relationships with plants. We must nurture and maintain friendships with plant allies, just as we would with human friends. In this post, we dive into the reciprocal nature of these relationships, and how to give back to the plants who give so much to us.

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Dandelion Symbolism: Manifestation

Dandelion is a wonderful plant spirit ally for manifestation practices. Learn about dandelion symbolism, its magical uses and medicine, and how it strengthens the solar plexus to boost intuition and confidence. Also discover how dandelion can help us balance action with intention to manifest our dreams in a joyful way!

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Plant Spirit Medicine, Part 1: Shamanism and Plant Communication

Plant spirit medicine can be understood as a shamanic approach to working with plants as conscious beings that can become our teachers and allies. In this first post of a series on plant spirit medicine, we discover the role of shamanic practices and plant communication in herbal medicine.

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Herbal Divination

Plants can be message-bearers if we know how to pay attention. Here we discuss what divination actually is, peruse history to find connections between herbs and divination, and discuss how the two can be united for understanding and healing.

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Sarah Baldwin Sarah Baldwin

Introducing: Plant Spirit Meditations

Welcome to the first blog post on Seraphim Botanicals! Here we explore why meditation is one of the best ways to connect deeply with plant spirits. Download a free guided meditation to meet a plant spirit ally!

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